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Snakes, bees, and tips for an upcoming wildfire season

The Sonoran desert is one of the most spectacular places to be in the Spring.  As the desert
comes alive, the Tucson area is filled with luscious color and gorgeous weather!  Click on these
links to learn how to be prepared for all kinds of critters which may appear in your area.         

And, wildfire season is approaching.    9 out of 10 wildland fires are started by humans.  Do your part in preventing fires by being a responsible camper.  Remember, while towing a vehicle, be
sure that all tow chains are secure and never dragging.  You can also help by cutting back trees
on your property, reducing dead fuels, and moving all flammable materials away from your
property.  Act responsibly and early - gather emergency supplies, plan escape routes, pack a go-bag.

For more information, click on the following links: ips for Preventing Wildfires      

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